Date: Thursday, November, 21 Time: 9:20 – 10:20 am
In this panel, share experiences, best practices, and solutions for developing and managing diverse, healthy and stable workforces across the Canadian Wildland Fire community.
Panelists will explore:
- the results of the 2019 CIFFC Demographic Survey
- share approaches for advancing workplace wellbeing
- suggest ways that increasing diversity can provide solutions to issues of retention and advancement
The summary of this discussion will help to drive the development of the 2020 CIFFC Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.
- Maria Sharpe (CIFFC)
- Kate Edwards (CFS)
[trx_promo align=”left” size=”large” image=”http://ales-cms.ales.ualberta.ca/wildfirecanada2019/wp-content/uploads/sites/118/2019/10/Kate-Bezooyen-headshot-1.jpg” image_position=”left” image_width=”40%” text_align=”left” scheme=”original_copy” title=”KATE BEZOOYEN ” description=”Before coming to wildfire, Kate worked a variety of environmental jobs across BC, Alberta and the Yukon. She holds a BSc in Natural Resource Science and is currently pursuing an MSc in Wildfire Science – after spending 2 seasons with the Fuels Inventory Program. Happiest in the field, she takes a break from life as a student to work seasonally as a Helitack Firefighter, and finds fulfillment in the comradery, challenge and excitement of wildfire work.” top=”null” bottom=”null” left=”null” right=”null”]
[trx_promo align=”left” size=”large” image=”http://ales-cms.ales.ualberta.ca/wildfirecanada2019/wp-content/uploads/sites/118/2019/10/Darren-McLarty-headshot.jpg” image_position=”left” image_width=”40%” text_align=”left” scheme=”original_copy” title=”DARREN MCLARTY” description=”Darren McLarty is 33-year veteran of wildfire management. He began his career in Manitoba before relocating to northwestern Ontario in 2001. Currently, he is the Regional Fire Response Coordinator with Aviation Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) in Dryden Ontario, where he oversees daily response and operations planning for the Northwest Region of the Ontario MNRF. He provides group leadership to the Regional Emergency Operations Centre. In addition, Darren is a nationally certified Type 1 Incident Commander. Over the years, this role has taken him to wildfire emergencies across the country numerous times in a leadership role with Incident Management Teams.” top=”null” bottom=”null” left=”null” right=”null”]
[trx_promo align=”left” size=”large” image=”http://ales-cms.ales.ualberta.ca/wildfirecanada2019/wp-content/uploads/sites/118/2019/10/Jane-Park-headshot.jpg” image_position=”left” image_width=”40%” text_align=”left” scheme=”original_copy” title=”JANE PARK” description=”Jane Park is the Fire and Vegetation Specialist in Banff National Park since 2011. In 2002, she started her career with Parks Canada as a park warden for Banff National Park. Over the yes, she worked in various parks from Vuntut National Park in the Yukon to Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve on the northwest coast of BC. Her work in Banff focuses on the reintroduction of fire onto the landscape, wildfire and fuel management, and ecosystem restoration. She is also an Incident Commander on one of 5 Parks Canada National Incident Management teams. In collaboration with the Association of Fire Ecology, CIFFC and colleagues in various other fire agencies, her recent work includes raising awareness of gender and diversity issues within Parks Canada and the broader wildland fire community.” top=”null” bottom=”null” left=”null” right=”null”]
[trx_promo align=”left” size=”large” image=”http://ales-cms.ales.ualberta.ca/wildfirecanada2019/wp-content/uploads/sites/118/2019/10/Sonja-Leverkus-headshot.jpg” image_position=”left” image_width=”40%” text_align=”left” scheme=”original_copy” title=”DR. SONJA LEVERKUS” description=”Dr. Sonja Leverkus is from Fort Nelson BC where she owns and operates two companies. Shifting Mosaics Consulting is an ecological consulting company, and Northern Fire WoRx Corp. specializes in wildland and prescribed fire. She is an AFE Wildland Fire Practitioner and works as an Ignitions Specialist for the BC Wildfire Service. Dr. Leverkus is an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta working in Dr. Jen Beverly’s Wildfire Analytics lab. ” top=”null” bottom=”null” left=”null” right=”null”]