How do you manage wildfire investigations? Register for our conference and sign up for the Wildfire Investigation Major Case Management affiliated workshop.
Date: This workshop has been cancelled.
Unfortunately, the presenters are unable to travel to the conference.
This extended presentation is based on the Alberta Governments current partnership between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) on how they manage major wildfire investigations. The 2-hour presentation will focus on the many challenges a wildfire investigation team, province or agency may face when conducting a major investigation, and reviews several wildfires where their department (AF) worked with the RCMP to seek an outcome. Two notable investigations that will be discussed in part are those of the Slave Lake (2011) and Fort McMurray (2016) wildfires. Specific details from each may be withheld, but the focus will discuss the many issues an investigation team may encounter when investigating wildfires of this magnitude, and how agencies may overcome some of these challenges moving forward.
For information on more workshops, visit our Workshops and Affiliated Meetings page.