We have a new registration number for Wildland Fire Canada 2019.
Please call 1-888-444-0324 to register toll free between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm EDT (UTC -4:00). An agent will take your call and help you get registered. If outside North America, call 1-705-945-5797.
If our agents are busy assisting other callers, you will reach our confidential voice mail system. Please speak slowly and leave a brief message, your name and a call back number. For your security, do not provide any confidential credit card information on your voice mail message. An agent will return your call within one business day.
We apologize if you’ve tried to register earlier but could not get through to an agent. Our new call number resolves this unfortunate problem. If you have any questions or require help, please email us at WildlandFireCanada2019@gmail.com. More information is available on our registration page.
Register today and join us in Ottawa, Ontario this Fall!